Rose Alick: From Small Grocer to Thriving Entrepreneur

Rose Alick’s journey from running a small grocery shop to becoming a successful entrepreneur is a testament to the transformative power of knowledge and determination. A resident of Mikute 2 in Salima, Rose joined the Kongoma Club in 2022 under the Sida CIVSAM-funded Resilient and Sustainable Livelihood Transformation (RESULT) Project which is being hosted by We Effect, Malawi Office. Her story highlights the impact of passion, combined with the right training and support, on creating sustainable change.

When Rose first joined the Kongoma Club, her grocery business was modest, with daily sales barely reaching 30,000 Kwacha. However, her fortunes began to shift after she received business management and financial literacy training from the African Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC) as part of the RESULT Project.

“Before the training, I was just getting by,” Rose recalls. “But now, with the knowledge I gained, my sales have increased significantly. I now make around 150,000 Kwacha each day.”

This remarkable growth in her business has also benefited her rice farming operations. With the additional income from her grocery shop, Rose can now afford essential farming inputs and labor, ensuring that her agricultural ventures run smoothly and efficiently.

For Rose, the key to her success lies in customer care. “Good customer care is key,” she says. “I build strong relationships with my customers. If they need something but don’t have money at the time, I allow them to take it on credit. This has helped me retain loyal customers and grow my business.”

Rose’s ambitions don’t stop here. She plans to expand her shop, increase its capacity, and purchase a refrigerator to meet the rising demand for cold beverages. Her vision for the future is clear, and she is determined to continue growing.

Beyond her own success, Rose is committed to inspiring and empowering other women. She encourages women to take initiative and start their own businesses, rather than relying solely on their husbands for financial support. “Women shouldn’t just stay at home waiting for their husbands to provide everything. We can also contribute by doing business and supporting our families,” she advises.

Rose Alick’s story is a powerful example of how education and perseverance can transform lives. Through the RESULT Project and AICC’s training, Rose has not only improved her livelihood but also serves as an inspiration to other women in her community, showing that with the right support, anyone can turn their dreams into reality.