We Effect and the European Union launch new project

Guatemala. Photo by Claudio Vasquez Bianchi.

We Effect and the European Union launch new project that aims to improve the rural competitiveness of coffee, panela and vegetable producers in western Guatemala.

We Effect has launched “AwalQ’anil”, a project that aims to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty, employment generation and the improvement of the quality of life of indigenous and farmer women and men producers of coffee, panela and vegetables.

– Through this project, we will contribute to poverty reduction, promoting inclusive value chains and environmental protection, with special emphasis on the empowerment of women and youth, said Bertha Zapeta, We Effect’s country representative in Guatemala.

The project will cover the Guatemala’s western highlands, one of the poorest areas of the country, reaching 17 thousand 925 people during three years. The investment designated for the execution of the project is five million euros, of which four million are financed by the European Union.

– This project has ambitious expectations and we are committed to support organizations based on the capacity they have demonstrated, said Stefano Gatto, the Ambassador of the European Union in Guatemala.

For more information, please visit our Spanish website.