Ani Prenja is 5 years old and goes to one of the six preschools in Albania, that is run by We Effect and our local partner organisation AmaroDrom – with support from Children of the World.
He has just learned to write his name and is extremely proud. So is his mother Hava.
– I am so happy that Ani gets to go to preschool, says Hava.
In Albania, the Roma population lives in poverty and exclusion. Most people do not have access to education. Neither did Hava as a child.
– In addition to learning to read and write, the children now have a place where they can play together. And it’s warm at the preschool in the winter, we do not have electricity at home, says Hava.
She would like Ani to become a teacher when he grows up. But of course, he can decide himself, she adds.
– I want to be the spider man, says Ani.