– We began as a study circle. It’s a different way of learning than at school. That’s exciting, says Klodian Cora.
The project, supported by We Effect’s partner organisation AgroPuka, has been very successful in its approximately two years. The group has managed to triple the number of bees and the production of honey.
– We started at zero, says Asim Qarri.
– Exactly. And it’s amazing to be part of a group and achieve things together, Erisjan Gugaj fills in.
It is small scale and the participants are still learning. But they produce for their families and they can sell some honey on the local market.
– Our own brand is called “Young Beekeepers – Sweet as Honey”, laughs Greta Shkjan.
The group also agrees that beekeeping definitely is worth investing in, as some universities offer courses on the subject. But will they come back from the cities after their time at university?
– I plan to come back to Puka for sure. I really want to work with beekeeping, says Desara Aliaj.