
Photo by Marcus Lundstedt

Kosovo characterized by a diverse landscape of mountains, valleys, and plains is situated in Southeastern Europe, in the central Balkans. A landlocked country with borders to Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia that grapples with significant socio-economic challenges.

We Effect is deeply committed to addressing these multifaceted challenges in Kosovo. Through our programs, we prioritize strengthening civil society and advocating for sustainable livelihoods, sustainable livestock sector, gender equality, socio-economic empowerment, environment and climate change resilience currently through our two member-based organizations. Our initiatives empower women in agriculture and in general, promoting their roles as key stakeholders in environmental conservation and sustainable farming practices.

Approximately 23% of Kosovo’s population lives in poverty, compounded by high unemployment and a persistent migration issue, particularly among youth disenchanted with traditional sectors like agriculture and livestock breeding. Environmental concerns loom large, reflected in Kosovo’s vulnerability to climate risks and environmental degradation. Gender disparities persist, underscored by the Gender Inequality Index, which highlights inequities in education, employment, and healthcare access. Kosovo’s unresolved political status and complex relations with Serbia further hinder its development and regional stability.

We Effect in Kosovo engage in advocacy and lobbying efforts aimed at improving the economic prospects mostly of the livestock farmers, ensuring they have access to resources, markets, and policies that support their livelihoods. By fostering dialogue, building capacity, and promoting sustainable practices, We Effect aims to contribute to Kosovo’s socio-economic resilience and environmental sustainability, paving the way for inclusive development and prosperity.

Naxhije Ilazi with her son Urim. Photo: Marcus Lundstedt

Ganimete Vata with her husband Jahir sitting in the yard of their house in Samadraxha village in Kosovo.

We Effect Europe works in Kosovo is part of the multi-country programme in Europe for 2023-2027.  The programme ins Kosovo primarily focuses on sustainable rural development. The main emphasis is on national structures but also includes elements of regional processes, synergies, and structures. The programme functions as a platform to promote sustainable dialogue and regional cooperation. The programme includes support to local organisations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia.

Results in Kosovo:

  • In Kosovo,  531 women and 620 men have benefited from targeted programs aimed at enhancing community resilience and fostering sustainable development. Indirectly, these efforts have touched the lives of 1,438 women and 1,383 men.
  • The We Effect program focused on enhancing partner’s staff capacity and promoting dialogue and cooperation between institutions and farmers, leading to the Ministry of Agricultural Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) prioritizing the dairy sector with a budget increase for grants from €1.5 million to €5 million in 2023 providing access to all beneficiaries.
  • Milk production showed notable improvements in quality. Out of 1,800 dairy farmers, 71% (1,286) received subsidies to enhance milk quality.
  • Additionally, the program provided a range of services primarily focused on dairy farming, including milk testing, advisory services, and technical training, to benefit 643 farmers, with 29% being women.

Hasani family picking strawberries. Photo: Marcus Lundstedt

Partnership approach

We Effect collaborates with local partner organisations – which are member-based and represent the voice of the small-holder farmers and other vulnerable groups.


Jointly we advocate and work for economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable agriculture and rural development with a gender perspective.


In Kosovo, We Effect collaborates with one local partner organisation.

Naxhije Ilazi with her son Urim. Photo: Marcus Lundstedt

Multi-country programme

Our work in Kosovo is part of the We Effect Europe multi-country programme (2023-2027), primarily focusing on sustainable rural development. The main emphasis is on national structures but also includes elements of regional processes, synergies, and structures. The programme functions as a platform to promote sustainable dialogue and regional cooperation. The programme includes support to local organisations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia.


In Kosovo, we are also working through one national project:

Improved Livelihood and Strengthened Position of Rural Dairy Farmers

The project proposed by KAMP, titled “Strengthening the position of rural dairy farmers & improve their livelihoods,” aims to contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities and the dairy industry covering the entire territory of Kosovo. KAMP highlights its past experience and ongoing projects in the livestock subsector, emphasizing its know-how and financial stability in managing projects of similar magnitude.

The project implementation follows a comprehensive project management policy that emphasizes monitoring and evaluating activities. A designated Monitoring & Evaluation specialist is responsible for monitoring planned activities and preparing final reports. KAMP also has a team of regular employees, including an executive director, project coordinator, and finance officer, supported by internal and external experts when needed.

The project includes a range of activities to achieve its objectives, such as organizing workshops, developing new services for members, raising awareness of farmers and stakeholders on laws and regulations, conducting research for advocacy and policy work, and organizing national conferences and study visits to exchange experiences in the dairy sector.

Training programs will be conducted on topics including hygiene, milk handling, dairy product processing, sales and marketing, financial literacy, and application processes for funding and grants. The project also focuses on climate change and resilience by developing a carbon footprint calculator, reports, and offset measures, as well as addressing manure management and adaptation to climate change through training for livestock farmers.

Gender equality is a significant aspect of the project, with initiatives to raise awareness, increase women’s participation in KAMP’s membership and board, conduct a gender audit, and implement recommendations from the audit. Information sessions and informative sessions will be organized in rural communities to encourage women’s participation.

Overall, the project aims to enhance the livelihoods of rural dairy farmers and promote sustainable development in Kosovo.

Hasani family picking strawberries. Photo: Marcus Lundstedt

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Hasani family picking strawberries. Photo: Marcus Lundstedt